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2018年4月20日 星期五

異種: 七宗罪 THE ART OF THE OTHWRS / The Others 7 Sins

Hardcover, 120 pages
Published 2016 by Guillotine Press
Edition LanguageEnglish

The art of The Others board game plays an essential role in creating not only the game's identity and atmosphere, but it was also greatly responsible for inspiring the mechanics and dynamics of the game itself. The setting of The Others pits lovecraftian trans dimensional horrors based on the seven deadly sins, against what is essentially a futuristic superhero team that's as diverse as it is teetering on the edge of corruption.

Mainly defined and explored in the amazingly evocative artwork by Adrien Smith, the world of The Others was further developed by the work of other great artists like Jacopo Camagni, Georges Clarenko, Miguel Coimbra, Karl Kopinski, Stefan Kopinski, Paolo Parente, and Richard Wright.

This book showcases all of the artwork created for The Others, including the monsters and heroes from the core box and all expansions and promos, as well as covers, landscapes, items, and even sketches. These are complemented by nine short stories chronicling the creation of the F.A.I.T.H. organization, as well as background information on its agents. (less)

Product description
The Others is a game dripping with a dark menacing theme, and the art really helps to create that atmosphere. It's a world in the not too distant future, and the 7 Deadly Sins have been summoned to bring on the apocalypse. This limited edition Art Book freatures work from some of the greatest artists in the industry today. Featuring pictures by Adrian Smith, Miguel Coimbra, Stefan Kopinski, and a slew of other illustrators, the Art Book expands and defines the world of The Others. there are also several short stories to further immerse players into this terrifying version of the future. The Others Core Box is needed to enjoy this expansion.


The Others 7 Sins 桌上型遊戲
遊戲介紹 [  大鐵與小鐵的煉鋼廠 ]


